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What if the alternative to shooting is 3D?

Try to ask a fashion photographer what is the most important thing in photography, you will see that without hesitation he will answer "the light"

Light in photography is absolutely indispensable, not surprisingly the term photography means "writing with light".

We have two types of lights: natural as the sun, and artificial, for example, that of a light bulb or a study.

Before deciding where to shoot, here are two important concepts that we must emphasize.

First of all the light that we find in the course of the day is not always the same. This means that before leaving for a photoshoot, you have to consider what you are going to photograph, the result you want to achieve, and the type of light you need.

Second, if you want to organize a shoot in a set, consider that the advantage is that you have total control of the light but you definitely need a tighter type of organization.

Can light change the perception of the clothing collection?

There is no doubt that lighting is a fundamental component for the sale, so much so that it becomes of fundamental importance in photo shoots because the right light can help to sell and give prominence to the new goods and convince in the purchase process.

How much can a day of shooting cost and how many people involve?

The price for a full day of shooting might be quite high but can vary according to the number of professionals involved in the location, transportation, time and number of shots.

Typically, in addition to the above-mentioned cost of different professionals such as makeup artists and a hairstylist. To this must be added the cost to pay professional models, event organizers, the set for rent, and any items and products that must be present in the photos.

Why 3D is the answer?

When it comes to 3D, one of the best and most complete software when it comes to scenes, lights and render suggests is Style 3D.

Nowadays E-commerce companies are paying more attention to their own product research and development capabilities, and 3D design is reshaping the clothing design process, upgrading the R&D process, push-style selection, online light design, pattern making, and rapid new development.

Let’s see some positive aspects together:

  • faster to release new Styles

  • R&D and design can be done directly in 3D, shortening the lead time

  • 3D technology helps to Reduce physical samples and sample costs

  • Use high-quality rendering to improve the digital sample's realism

  • Digital products help to collect Mass data. This means being able to test best seller's colour addition or rework and drive tremendous sales

In this case, the costs to consider are dedicated to 3D experts who create the collection and render the environment. This way the cost goes down significantly but with incredibly satisfying and realistic results.

Also, as consumers demand more and more customisation, and freshness in product offerings, the enrichment of SKUs becomes increasingly important. The R&D efficiency and capabilities of apparel brands directly affect the speed and depth of the supply chain. Many apparel brands globally are introducing Style3D to reshape the design processes with 3D technology, to improve the overall efficiency of planning and design, communication and collaboration, and build a successful brand with digital supply chain capabilities

If you want to see how 3D Academy can help with your project, don't hesitate to contact us or to book your Free Consultancy Digital Transformation!

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